This is the required qualification training for US D.O.T. Substance Abuse Professionals. US D.O.T. regulations require that Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) receive qualification training, and pass a validated national examination. This course contains both the QUALIFICATION TRAINING and NATIONAL EXAM.

IMPORTANT !!!  Please Read!!!  Only individuals with specific licenses are eligible to take this training. Please read the information below and the course description carefully as it will answer many questions.

Developed by: Karen Albig Smith, LMFT, LCAS, MAC, CAP, SAP, SAE
Newest Release 10/2023
Reveiws:  I have taken a lot of CEUs and several certification exams, most of which were rather generic and after which I didn't always feel like I gained any level of competency - your training and exam were different! I feel like I have gained a level of understanding, competency, and comfort with the material. The exam was tough, but that is good - I had to think and my learning was reinforced. Thank you!  JB  7/1/24
" I would like to first thank you for a well thought out and informative course for SAP training and testing.  I had previously studied a SAP course but never tested, because I felt unprepared.  I feel well prepared with your course.
Thanks,    E.N., MA, LAC, SAP"

Who is eligible to take this course? This program is restricted to professionals who are, licensed physicians (including MDs and Osteopathic Physicians), licensed psychologists, licensed or certified marriage and family therapists, licensed or certified social workers, licensed or certified employee assistance professionals, and alcohol and drug abuse counselors certified by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) as a drug and alcohol counselors or the International Certification Reciprocity Consortium (ICRC) as an Alcohol and Drug Counselor or a Master Addiction Counselor certification from the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC).   While psychologists and physicians can take this training/testing and become Qualified SAPs the CE are not applllicable toward the renewal of your professional licenses.  

Please be sure you are eligible to take this course as we do not refund online purchases.


US Federal Department of Transportation regulations requires that Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) have certain credentials, possess specific knowledge, receive qualification training, and pass a national examination. This course covers the requirements for SAPs conducting substance abuse assessments for persons who test positive for substances or alcohol under the Omnibus Transportation Act 49 CFR Part 40.

This program includes information on the nine required content areas as designated in Section 281(c) of Part 40. Content areas include an overview of the US D.O.T. drug and alcohol testing program, the drug, and alcohol testing rules, key US D.O.T. drug testing requirements re collections, lab testing, MRO review, and troubleshooting. SAP qualifications and prohibitions will be discussed. The basic components of the assessment and return to duty will be described including the role of toxicology testing, chain of custody for test specimens, follow-up testing, and SAP role expectations. The communication and documentation responsibilities of SAP professionals and restrictions for referral procedures will be identified. This offering is a must for those preparing to take our national examination in order to be qualified to provide US D.O.T. substance abuse assessment and return to work duties.

The regulations require that SAPs pass a nationally recognized examination. We are pleased to offer this national examination, which accompanies this course via home study or online. The regulations require that SAPs pass a NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED EXAMINATION. Program Services offers the national examination which has been externally validated as per the federal regulations. An 80% correct score is required for certification. This course/test purchase expires after 180 days. The 100-item examination is included in the purchase price of the online course and is also available as a stand-alone examination online.  The test is open book and you may use the study guide, the regulations as well as the US D.O.T. SAP guidelines to aid in answering test items.

Ongoing supervision is not part of this instructional process. Once you have completed the prep material and passed the national exam, Program Services does not provide additional SAP specific supervision. We have launched a blog for users to post questions and comments which might provide a forum for SAPs to share their experiences. Please email us all your questions during the timeframe in which you are taking the course as this is the only time we will address your questions. (Sorry, we cannot answer questions about specific test questions.) We do not answer questions related to specific SAP assessments.

A Strong Suggestion: We recommend that all participants thoroughly read 49 CFR Part 40, the Substance Abuse Professional Guidelines (Addendum B and E in our class materials) and the study guide including its glossary prior to taking the national examination

Free Start-up Kit: Participants completing our training and examination may email us a request for our FREE SAP start-up package. The request must be made in a timely manner after passing your test. Requests made after your qualification with us has expired will not be filled. We do not monitor when you complete the course, therefore it is up to you to email your request for the complimentary SAP start-up kit which contains information that is helpful in answering general questions about getting started; in addition, the kit contains sample SAP report formats and gives the names of several SAP referral agencies where you can list yourself as a qualified SAP. The regulations and the study guide discuss everything else you need to know.

Important Notice:  We now issue a credential (A SAP credential with a unique SAP number and an expiration date) at no cost to customers who qualify and renew with us.  If you take renewal courses or qualify with another company you may list with us for a fee of $60 per triennium.  Contact 305-401-4361 for additional information about the SAP credential.  Completions are surveyed and credentials emailed every 90 days. (March, June, September, and December)   Your SAP CE certificate and your license satisfy all federal obligations until your credential arrives.   Credentials may not be issued if your records are not complete.  We will email any user whose information is incomplete and it is up to the user to comply with the information request.  Credentialing, however, will be delayed until that record is complete. 


1.Discuss the US DOT drug and alcohol testing program (49 CFR Part 40).

2.Identify key drug and alcohol testing rules (49 CFR Part 40).

3.Discuss drug-testing requirements, specimen collection and lab obligations, and MRO responsibilities.

4.Identify important responsibilities and prohibitions re communication, reporting, and documentation.

5.Differentiate the requirements of the various DOT department's drug and alcohol testing programs (FAA, FMCSA, FRA, FTA, RSPA, USCG).

6.Describe Substance Abuse Professional responsibilities.

7.Identify specific SAP responsibilities in the US DOT Return to Duty process.

8.Elucidate significant ethical and philosophical dilemmas related to the SAP duties.

CE Credits: 16 (NBCC Hours - 16)


Hour One: US D.O.T. drug and alcohol testing program (49 CFR Part 40).

Hour Two-Three: Drug and alcohol testing rules (49 CFR Part 40).

Hour Four-Five: Drug-testing requirements, collection, and lab, responsibilities.

Hour Six-Seven: MRO Responsibilities

Hour Eight-Nine: Discuss alcohol-testing requirements.

Hour Ten: Substance Abuse Professional responsibilities.

Hour Eleven: Confidentiality and C/TPA - Service Agent responsibilities

Hour Twelve: Significant ethical and philosophical dilemmas related to the SAP duties.

Hour  Thirteen: US DOT SAP Guidelines

Hour Fourteen; Modal Administration Guide

Hour Fifteen - Sixteen: Testing

CE Broker#s: 20-10724

Methods: Pre-test, study guide, post-test and evaluation, internet sources via URLs, Q&A by email.

Purpose: To provide required US D.O.T. SAP renewal education for eligible professionals.

Content Areas: Substance abuse professional, Addictions, Professional orientation/readiness, Clinical evaluation and assessment, SAP national exam, SAP initial qualification training.

Target Audience: Psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, employee assistance professionals, specific addiction professionals as per Part 40.281 C.F.R.

At this time we have not applied to provide CE for psychologists, or physicans.  Paychologists and physicians can still take our training and become a qualified SAP, the CE however, will not apply to your professional license renewal.

Click here to view a list of approvals for this course

Online Course

CE Broker#:
CE Credits:
16 (NBCC Hours - 16)

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