Select 30 CE credits from our online course list (   and get 20% reduction per credit. One time per year for a single registrant. Not for agency use.  Courses expire within 180 days (six months).

Revised 2024

Details: Single User – no multiple person enrollments.   Any selection of our courses totaling 30 CE Credits. Online courses only.  See exclusions below.
Exclusions: The US DOT SAP courses, the USNRC SAE courses, the Spiritual Connection, Good  With Me, The Mindfulness Workbook for Addictions and the Appetite Awareness Workbook.​
How to order:  Select this option and pay for the multipack.  Then email your course selections to us at:
To make it easy: Copy and paste the titles from the online course catalog at our website (    list into your email. We will put the courses in your online account. You have six months to complete them.

Click here to view a list of approvals for this course

Online Course

CE Broker#:
CE Credits:
30 (NBCC Hours - 30)

Filed under the following topics: