This course describes the great transformation in our understanding of domestic violence problems and their interface with substance abuse.

Developed by: Karen Albig Smith, LMFT, LCAS, MAC, CAP, SAP, SAE

Revised 2024

Description:  Domestic violence/Intimate partner violence (DV/IPV) and substance abuse disorders (PSUD) are common co-occurring problems.   Beginning with relevant terminology, incidence, and precedence information; the study will overview current victim and perpetrator characteristics.  The program includes an overview of assessment issues for domestic violence/intimate partner violence and substance abuse.  An assessment exercise for use in discriminating between social use, abuse of, and dependency on psychoactive substances will be presented.  The program will identify the components of a comprehensive multi-problem assessment and will overview DSM5 diagnostic criteria for substance-related problems. Placement decisions are overviewed using the American Society of Addiction Medicine placement criteria.  Safety planning and lethality assessment and resources for practitioners are covered.

1.  Participants will be able to discuss the incidence and prevalence of DV/IPV and PSUD.
2.  Participants will be able to define the terminology used to discuss substance misuse and domestic violence/intimate partner violence.
3.  Participants will be able to describe victim and perpetrator characteristics.
4.  Participants will be able to identify and common couple violence patterns.
5.  Participants will be able to identify substance abuse problems and discuss these with consumers.
6.  Participants will be able to use the DSM diagnostic classifications to identify substance-related disorders and determine a level of care using ASAM placement criteria.
7.  Participants will be able to describe assessment essentials of substance abuse involved domestic violence cases.
8.  Participants will be able to implement safety planning and lethality assessment.

CE Credits: 8 (NBCC Hours - 8)

Hour One: Incidence and prevalence.
Hour Two: Terminology: IPV and Substance Abuse.
Hour Three: Victim and perpetrator typologies.
Hour Four: Common couple violence patterns.  
Hour Five: Identifying PSUDs. 
Hour Six: DSM criteria re: PSU s, ASAM criteria.
Hour Seven: Assessment elements, Psychosocial, Evaluation tools review. 
Hour Eight: Safety planning, Lethality assessment, Resources.

CE Broker#:  20-318968

Methods: Pre-test, study guide, posttest and evaluation, internet sources via URLs, Q&A by email.

Content Area: Domestic violence, Addictions, Clinical evaluation and assessment, Treatment knowledge, Service coordination, Abuse and trauma, Behavior disorders, Special populations/problems.

Purpose: This course is intended as a cross training seminar for professionals from both substance abuse and domestic violence professions to become familiar with the assessment protocol used to evaluate and determine intervention strategy.  Practitioners completing this program will learn how to integrate assessment for both these problems in their intake protocols.

Target Audience:  Social workers, marriage and family therapists, licensed professional counselors, mental health counselors, nurses, employee assistance professionals, addiction professionals, behavioral health technicians, and other allied professionals.

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Online Course

CE Broker#:
CE Credits:
8 (NBCC Hours - 8)

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