After you complete your purchase your course study materials (book) for this course are mailed.  Please give 5-7 days for delivery by USPS.  This is an evidence-based approach to help individuals gain a more healthy relationship with eating for the purpose of weight maintenance or loss.  Testing is online at your account.  Go to, log in to your account, click on the "Your Online Courses" link.

Developed by Karen Albig Smith, LMFT, LCAS, MAC, CAP, SAP, SAE
Author: Linda W Craighead, Ph.D
Revised: 2024

Description: This is an evidence-based model for working with patients who are overweight and want to deal with the issues associated with failures at weight maintenance or weight loss.  This is not a weight loss program but rather a lifestyle approach to healthy eating that has implications for compulsive overeaters, and as an adjunct intervention with anorexic and bulimic patients.  The course includes an overview of the basic principles of Appetite Awareness Training (AAT) including the four eating pathways, and the seven points of intervention.  The methods and techniques for implementing the model as well as common problems are discussed.  For individuals whose goal is weight loss, the course also includes a discussion of how AAT is used in food planning.  Finally, the course discusses the transition to self-coaching.

Text:  The book for this course is: The Appetite Awareness Workbook by Linda W Craighead, Ph.D.  It is included in the cost for the course and will be sent in the mail with the post-test and course evaluation.

1.  Learners will be able to describe the principles of appetite awareness training.
2.  Learners will be able to identify the intervention points with weight loss patients
3.  Learners will be able to utilize the training tools for appetite monitoring and food awareness.
4.  Learners will be able to help patients with challenges and learn self-coaching.

Learning Assessment:
1.    Participants will be able to describe natural and comfortable eating.
2.    Participants will be able to list the basic principles of AAT.
3.    Participants will be able to describe the four eating paths.
4.    Participants will be able to describe the seven points of intervention.
5.    Participants will be able to discuss AAT uses with eating disorders.
6.    Participants will be able to discuss appetite monitoring.
7.    Participants will be able to troubleshoot common challenges to AAT success.
8.    Participants will be able to explain Food Awareness Training.
9.    Participants will be able to describe the elements of self- coaching.

CE Credits:  4 CE Credits  (NBCC Hours - 4)
CE Broker #: 20-517721

Hour One:  Overview of AAT
Hour Two:  Principles, Eating Paths, Points of Intervention
Hour Three: Eating disorders, and Appetite monitoring
Hour Four: Common challenges, Food Awareness, Self-Coaching

Purpose:  Learners completing the AAT course will be able to integrate the information from this evidence-based model into treatment with individuals whose goals include changing their relationship with food to a more health-based strategy that can aid in either weight maintenance or loss. 

Target Audience: Social workers, marriage and family therapists, licensed professional counselors, mental health counselors, nurses, employee assistance professionals, addiction professionals, behavioral health technicians, and other allied professionals.

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Online Course

CE Broker#:
CE Credits:
4 (NBCC Hours - 4)

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