This is the sixth in a series of twelve courses on serving Veteran populations.  They can be taken in order or as stand-alone courses.

Developed by: Karen Albig Smith, LMFT, LCAS, MAC, CAP, SAP, SAE
Revised 2024

Description:  This module will help you to integrate what you have learned about military culture into your assessment and treatment plans. Tools for assessing the impact of military culture on the health and well-being of Veterans presenting for services will be discussed.  Additionally, this module will cover guidelines for incorporating elements of military culture for some of the health-related conditions that are most common in military populations. A self-assessment tool for military culture competence and checklist is part of the resources file for providers.  In Modules One – Four, the three core cultural competencies were discussed.  The focus for this next section will be on the supports necessary for the third; providing informed treatment and support services.  We will present information to help providers conceptualize and understand Veteran’s mental health conditions based on knowledge of possible risk and resilience factors for both the patient in general and specific factors for military culture.  Providers will learn how to infuse culturally informed principles (i.e., flexibility, respect) into his or her practice, based on his or her knowledge of the challenges and strengths of being a Service member.

Objectives:  Participants will be able to:
Hour One
1.  Identify three types of stigma affecting Service members and Veterans.
2.  Describe specific strategies for addressing the three types of stigma.
3.  List the various health care settings that provide care to Service members and Veterans.
Hour Two
4.  Utilize the Cultural Formulation Interview to improve treatment engagement and planning.
5.  Identify culturally competent behaviors that impact treatment planning.
6.  Describe the advantages of Evidence-Based Practices and Clinical Practice Guidelines.

CE Credits: 2 CE (NBCC Hours - 2)

CE Broker #:   20-589648

Hour One:       Addressing stigma.
Hour Two:       Culturally informed assessment and practice guidelines.

Methods:       Study guide, pre and posttests, evaluation, Q and A by email.

Purpose:  This module provides information about the role of military culture in the lives Service members, Veterans, and their family members. The focus will be on the different facets of military culture and how military culture can affect patients in various ways.

Target Audience:  The target audience includes all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Defense (DoD) providers, private health care professionals (to include nurses, advance practice nurses, social workers, professional counselors, marriage and family therapists) who work with Veterans and their families.

Social Work State Licensing Board Approval Information for Continuing Education- Accepts Program Services Credits- Accepts our national approvals Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Accepts other state SW boards Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia Cross-disciplinary, no specified requirements/limitations or self- submit after the fact Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wyoming, New Mexico Does not approve Program Services credits Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana


Click here to view a list of approvals for this course

Online Course

CE Broker#:
CE Credits:
2 (NBCC Hours - 2)

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