Common mental health problems of the elderly, covers demographics of the elder population and common mental and behavioral health problems encountered in older populations. This study is part of a series of studies on palliative care for mental health professionals. The studies can be studied as stand-alone topics or may be taken in sequence for a more comprehensive exploration of the topic.

Developed by: Karen Albig Smith, LMFT, LCAS, MAC, CAP, SAP, SAE
Revised 2024
Description of the whole series:
Module One is intended to give a bio-psychosocial overview of older adulthood including theories of aging, and the processes of normal aging.
This module:  Common mental health problems of the elderly, covers demographics of the elder population and common mental and behavioral health problems encountered in older populations.
Module Three: Caregiving and care delivery. Among the more compelling concerns are end-of-life issues. The offering discusses advance directives and the concept of medical futility and the common problems associated with these decisions.
Module Four Contextual Issues of Elder Care discusses contextual issues such as diversity concerns; ageism, therapeutic nihilism, and gerophobia are discussed. Training recommendations for providers of care to the elderly are provided.

CE Credits:  1 (NBCC Hours - 1)

1.  Participants will be able to describe the demographics of the elder population.
2.  Participants will be able to discuss common mental health problems of older adults.
Hour One:    Demographics, Common mental health problems.

CE Broker #:  HS 20-38513 OL 20-38511

Methods:       Pre-test, study guide, posttest and evaluation, internet sources via URLs, Q&A by email.

Content Area; Special population/problems.

Purpose:  The study should enhance understanding of the older adult population and its mental health needs.

Target Audience:   Social workers, marriage and family therapists, licensed professional counselors, mental health counselors, psychiatric nurses, employee assistance professionals, addiction professionals, behavioral health technicians, and other allied professionals.

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Online Course

CE Broker#:
CE Credits:
1 (NBCC Hours - 1)

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